Spoke with @badunicornvc.

He's on to something.

Brings a bad startup idea to your inbox bi-weekly.

Past drops:
1) Musk on Mars-Bet on @elonmusk's Mars arrival
2) Meme University-Become a certified Memelord
3) Slow-World's slowest checkout

What's your worst startup idea?

Most people aspire to work at Google or some big, cool tech company.

I just want to work with @badunicornvc

.@badunicornvc - the things they’re working on and have dropped are both adorable, hilarious, and innovative all in one great package!

horrible and do not at all recommend.

but also, take my money. @ModernAfflatus @whit4th


Lol wtf is this. Subscribed😂

@BadUnicornvc 📓 memeuniversity.lol